My first teacup GIRL

Baby S was just right for my teacup…finding a baby girl for this teacup has been a bit like Goldilocks…some are too small, some are too big…but little 3 mo old S was “just right”!

Sneak Preview

C&S are such cute sisters! We had some fun last thursday…and while I’m not quite finished with these…I couldn’t resist sharing the few I’ve gotten to!

The "B" twins at the "P" patch

I just had a great time out at the Pumpkin Patch with these two cuties…LOVE the little chickie costumes! These boys have the most REFLECTIVE blue eyes! If you look really close at some of these, you can CLEARLY see the reflections of the whole farm, and pick out the barn…and even mom’s reflection! Too cool! Also a cow gave birth while we were there! What a cool thing, I had never seen that before (uh oh, giving myself away as a city girl!) So here’s a few of the beautiful little calf just minutes old!

A storyboard

I made a quick storyboard of the goofing around pics of K&C…enjoy! click on it to make it bigger so you can see all the little pictures too!