Little Miss Q – Petaluma Children Photography

The timing was just right on this session. We were so excited that Q chose to take her first steps for me! She was really showing off her ability to get up and stand on her own, and the itchy grass pushed her right over as she didn’t want to crawl off it, so she walked right off! So the triptych is actually her first steps caught on film (or sensor I guess!). And someday I’ll have to apologize for showing off her rolly thighs…but I just love them. They remind me of my guy Lucas when he was one!

Here she is dancing to “twinkle twinkle little star” yep, I’m that good of a singer.

I love the colors in this pic, but my FAVORITE thing is how she is standing on her tippy-toes. I just love how kids do that. I NEVER stand on tippy-toe. Maybe I should?