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Senior B – Windsor Senior Photographer

Riverfront park is becoming my home away from home these days! But I’m ok with that. Its just lovely and I am challenging myself to look at it in different ways. LOVE IT!
“B” and I had a great time, gorgeous light and not too hot weather (unlike my session tonight! ugh 90 degrees in October – No bueno!) A few more seniors left to sneak peek – and a few more still to photograph…but before I know it Senior “season” will be over!

Senior D – Petaluma Senior Photographer

It was so much fun to meet up with D in downtown Petaluma. I’ve really not been down there much and had no idea of all the cool things! In fact there is much more I’d love to explore, we stuck mostly to the alley’s and then headed out to the country to get some riding action shots. I loved that D wanted to include his motorcycle…its truly representative of who he is right now, and was really fun to work with!

Senior D – Windsor Highschool Senior Portraits

What an incredible athlete! I don’t know how she does it, going from one sport to the next. Not to mention I’m always in awe of high jumpers…AMAZING! I was thinking today about how cool it will be 100 years from now to look back at all these photos! I have only a handful of images of my great grandparents, and they seem kind of stiff (as they had to hold really still for images), certainly not showing the kind of personality our portraits today show! So then great grandma D can pull these up and say “when I was your age I was a high jumper, and I played basketball and tennis…that is where you got your skills from!” ha!

Senior A – Santa Rosa County Senior Photographer

A and I met up at Riverfront Park…we really hardly strayed from the parking lot – there is THAT much just around the entrance! Then we dashed over to Foothill Park – a park he’s grown up exploring.
Easy going and smart, I wish you the best of luck in your pre-med studies next year, A!