One last quick post…

ok…this is it…really (my husband dragging me away from the computer…kicking…screaming…) Nah, just kidding, but I did want to just get a sneak peek out there for the “F” family. Despite the rain, we managed to get some great indoor family shots…and a few outdoor when the rain subsided….I didn’t quite get through all of them, so they’ll have to wait until I get back…but I wanted to share these…

  • Karin

    Your pictures look awesome, Jeneanne!! 🙂 Hope you’re having a great time in Mexico!! We’re at Disney World. 🙂 Kevin is napping, so I’m playing on my computer & blogging. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Kim and John

    Awesome pics Jen! From (Kim)Locomom on TMMB.ReplyCancel